Discover Megahout

The ultimate specialist in wood products for professionals and DIY enthusiasts

Wood love to build with you

If you are looking for a reliable supplier of customised sustainable wood, Megahout is your choice. We stand beside you and supply all the spruce timber you need, prepared exactly how you want it. Ready for processing, sawn, and optionally packaged in bundles to boost processing efficiency.

Megahout is a partner that thinks and acts like a builder. We know that wood is a crucial building material for professionals in (prefab )construction and for the packaging industry. In addition to providing certified spruce timber, we help with extensive production options and specific processing techniques such as finger jointing, planing and cutting to length.

We also help you optimise your inventory management by always delivering wood on time, according to the desired specifications. Don’t need it right away? No problem! With 14,000 m² of space, we make our storage space yours!

Woodwards Group

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Curious about Megahout’s services and benefits in Drachten? Visit our website!


What can you expect from Megahout?

We stand by your side. Whatever processing you need, we deliver craftsmanship. From beams to smart building kits that allow you to work quickly and efficiently. No matter how much wood you need, we have it in stock. And we deliver it to you whenever and wherever you want. That’s a promise!

Timber merchant
Our sustainable spruce timber comes from Scandinavia. With an inventory of approximately 10,000 m³ of rough, planed, and finger-jointed wood, we are able to meet your demand quickly.

Wood processing
As a nationally operating importer and wholesaler of spruce timber, we use the most modern, custom-developed wood processing machines for e.g. finger jointing, planing, and cutting to length.

Our wood products find their way to professionals in the timber trade, (prefab) construction and the packaging industry.

Discover the many benefits of Megahout


Always over 10,000 m³ of certified spruce timber in stock


Fast and reliable deliveries to any location


Valuable advice based on years of experience in the timber industry

This is Megahout